Psalm 34:18 

The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 147:3 

He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.


God does not only save a person's soul to go to Heaven. He desires to save, heal, and rescue the soul of a person who is broken hearted.

"Inner healing" is a catch-all phrase for the healing of memories. It deals with the mind and things of the past. Healing of emotions deals with issues of the heart. 

> We have to ask the question, "Where is the Trauma? In the mental processing that holds the memories or is it in the emotions?"

Pioneers in Inner Healing came from high-church, liturgical and sacramental backgrounds. Inner healing was often viewed with suspicion of accused of being "New Age."

Why is inner healing needed, if the old man is dead?

> Romans 6:6 - We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.

> The old man was crucified, but there are times when the old man wants to come out of the grave (often through anxiety, fear, anger, etc).

Two biblical accounts of Jesus ministering inner healing:

Luke 24: 13-35

Jesus walked along Emmaus road with Clopias and his companion, taking them on an inner healing experience. They came to the place of understanding that Jesus’s death was actually necessary by having the Scriptures unfolded to them.

> Here we see one of the most important parts of inner healing and that is that: “Inner Healing rediscovers the truth of God’s plan." Often times in our brokenness we do not understand or we lose sight of God’s ultimate plan.

John 21: 1-19

Peter left Jerusalem full of disappointment in himself, to go back to the Sea of Galilee and take up his previous profession of fishing. The disciples gather to him there. Jesus calls to the disciples from the beach to throw their net on the “right” side of the boat. The net fills with fish and Peter, realizing that Jesus is the man yelling from the beach, jumps off the boat and swims ashore to Him.

> On the beach, Jesus asks Peter three times, "Do you love me?" Peter had denied Jesus three times, so Jesus is now restoring him three times. In inner healing, there is often an exact congruence between our failures and our restoration.


What beliefs have you held up to this point about the ministry of inner healing? Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart for this training. Be prepared to address any inner healing you may need to receive as issues arise.

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